The Wild Herd

A herd is a group that moves individually as a collective. Ordinarily a herd is commonly associated to animals who graze and move together with a common purpose. Our herd is people, outdoor enthusiasts and adventure seekers who cherish every moment spent in the glorious wilderness.

Whether you find solace in the mighty peaks while climbing, immerse yourself in the tranquility of a wild swim, or seek exhilaration through paddling, mountain biking and other outdoor activities, Wild Herd is crafted for you. Our online store is adorned with high-quality, environmentally considerate outdoor apparel and gifts designed to elevate your outdoor experiences and fuel your passion for adventure.

Whatever the interest we all just relish time spent in the wild. We appreciate nature and the impact it has on our wellbeing and social dynamic, be that friends or family. It is this that binds us into the herd.

At Wild Herd, we are not just a group moving in the same spaces at the same time, we are individuals who share common interests, united by our passion for nature and the myriad outdoor pursuits it has to offer.

We believe that every moment spent in the great outdoors holds immeasurable value. It's about the freedom, the connection with nature, and the bond with like-minded individuals who share your love for the wild.

By signing up below, you'll become a part of our exclusive community, gaining access to new product launches and special offers.

At Wild Herd, we invite you to ignite the fire within, embrace adventure, and embark on unforgettable experiences. Join our herd and let's revel in the magnificence of the wild together.

Wild Herd - always on the trail